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SD Supervisor Wants SDG&E Held Accountable On Eagle No Fly Zone Incursions

SD Supervisor Jacob Calls On Regulators To Hold SDG&E Accountable on Eagle No Fly Zone Incursions
Supervisor Diane Jacob says regulators aren’t doing enough to stop the incursions.

County Supervisor Dianne Jacob is demanding answers from regulators on how San Diego Gas & Electric entered protected eagle nesting areas while constructing the Sunrise Powerlink transmission line.

The California Public Utilities Commission has found that SDG&E helicopters violated golden eagle no fly zones three times in January. The company says no birds were injured. SDG&E entered no fly zones last year too. SDG&E equipped its helicopters with GPS devices following those incidents to prevent future violations. Now Jacob wants regulators to explain why those devices failed.

“The PUC must hold SDG&E accountable and so far that has not happened…so once again, I am asking the commission to do its job," Jacob said.


SDG&E says its efforts to comply with the eagle buffer zone are unprecedented and that while the technology it’s using is valuable, there are limitations.