Following a series of officer-misconduct charges, the San Diego Police Department is establishing a new wellness unit. Police Spokeswoman Lt. Andra Brown said the unit is still in the planning stages.
But a commanding officer has already been selected. Captain Sarah Creighton has been tapped to lead it up. Creighton has 27 years with the force and was most recently the commanding officer of the department’s Eastern Division.
Brown said it’s not known how much the unit will cost, but she said it’s likely officers will be shifted into it from other duties since there’s no money to hire additional staff.
The department already offers several programs to promote mental health. Brown said it’s likely the new wellness unit will serve as an umbrella for those services.
This spring, 10 San Diego police officers were accused of officer misconduct ranging from drunk driving, to excessive force to rape. Brown said this unit is part of the seven-step plan Police Chief William Lansdowne created in an effort to prevent further misconduct cases.